Promote sportfor girls
MEPs call on theEU to identify and eliminate all obstacles likely to prevent girls and womenfrom doing sports. They underline that "parents’ prohibiting immigrantgirls from taking part in sports and swimming at school cannot be tolerated orexcused on cultural or religious grounds". Better representation of womenin sports governing bodies - in proportion to the number of licensed members -could help to promote female participation in sport, they add.Blacklisthooligans
Parliament asksthat supporters who are known to be violent or to engage in discriminatorybehaviour be banned from all European stadiums. A European data base shouldenable national authorities to ensure that the ban applies to any internationalmatches played on their territory. MEPs also call on Member States and sportsgoverning bodies to commit to tackling homophobia and racism against athletes. Make doping acriminal offence
To protectathletes better, MEPs suggest that trafficking in illegal performance-enhancingsubstances should be treated in the same way as trafficking in illegal drugs.To combat match-fixing, money laundering and illegal betting, MEPs ask that anyfraudulent activity be treated as a criminal offence and that a licensing systembe put in place for betting operators.Regulatesports agents
The profession ofsports agent should be regulated and subject to a proper officialqualification, say MEPs. Agents should have their fiscal residence within theEU and undertake to abide by a code of conduct in order to obtain a licence. The resolutionproposes setting up a European register of agents, which would also list theplayers for whom they work.
Agents’ fees fortransfers should be paid in instalments throughout the duration of the players'contract, rather than as a lump sum at the time of the transfer, MEPs add.
Combinelearning and training
Nationalauthorities should ensure that young athletes are able to pursue normal schooland higher education studies in addition to their sports training. Europeanrecognition of their qualifications and athletic experience should encourageathletes and trainers to take part in exchange programmes on the"Erasmus" model, MEPs add. The resolutionwas passed with 550 votes in favour, 73 against and 7 abstentions.
Procedure:Non-legislative resolutionREF. :20120201IPR36950
Plenary Session Sport− 02-02-2012
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